Sunday, April 25, 2010


Hello Ladies!

Wow I can't believe how long it has been! I have missed you so much - if I could reach across cyber space and hug you I totally would :)

I was blessed this past weekend to be able to attend Beth Moore's 'So Long Insecurity' simulcast with 300,000 other women, and words cannot describe how God worked in my heart through this experience! It was great to be in that atmosphere with other women learning the neatest things about God... and I was given complete peace about an upcoming all-girls event we are having at NewPointe called 'Beloved'. Being with those women of allllll different shapes, sizes, and backgrounds was incredible and I found myself looking around and thinking of how much every woman needs that - a circle of other Christian women who will be there to support and lift each other up.

And then I started to think about how much I needed that in middle school and high school, and how the girls of this generation have such a great opportunity in front of them - an opportunity to see each other as a support structure instead of competition.

So please be in prayer over 'Beloved'! The event being on May 14th at 6:00pm at NewPointe and ends at 8:30am the next morning :) It's going to be a blast - and we're praying that God just floods it with His love & anointing!!!

Again, I love you girls! And the blogging is back!

Much Love,

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